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PoA Class Reps

Would you like to help out and be involved in our wonderful school community?!

Each year we need two volunteers per class (four per year) to take on the role of Class Rep. This is a vital link between the school and PoA in helping effectively communicate β€˜life’ at Aldrington πŸ’œ 

It helps create friendships and community spirit and runs alongside the messaging
systems of: SchoolPing and PoA.

What do I need to do?

  • Share/remind messages from SchoolPing to keep families informed about additional activities eg. World Book Day, Summer Fair, church attendance and Christmas shows.
  • Pass on comms relating to PoA events and fundraisers.
  • Take responsibility for Christmas/end of term gift collections for the teaching team.
  • Assist the PoA with volunteering (you don’t have to be involved in everything!) and rallying others to help.
  • Welcoming new families with a friendly chat at the school gate and ensuring they’re in the WhatsApp group. Important in Reception as starting school can be a big step.
  • Encouraging parents/carers to reach out to the school directly, rather than using WhatsApp to air issues.
  • Maybe arrange a social for parents to get to know each other. A coffee in Waitrose after drop-off, a walk around the park, beach picnic or pub drinks one evening!

How much time will it involve?

Not much! Most weeks it will be 5-10 mins, mainly via WhatsApp sending reminders. In addition:

  • It’s expected Reps help with PoA events – running a stall at a disco, setting up the Christmas fair, or helping prepare before events. Sometimes for as little as 30 mins.
  • One Rep from each year should join a (very informal!) PoA meeting (held each term) to strengthen communications across the school.

How do get involved?

Existing year groups – most Reps will change over at the end of the academic year. Just speak with your current Reps to organise a takeover date (usually in Aug/Sep).

Reception – we ask parents of older siblings take on the role, which will involve setting up a WhatsApp group, adding new families (if they wish) and answering any questions they have.

Interested in getting involved?